From online registration to on-site support, UA CURRENTS offers a range of professional events and conference services. We pride ourselves on top notch customer service. Contact us for more information —we’re ready to serve you!
Conference Logistics Services:
- Facilities Selection Assistance
- Event Communication
- Hotel Reservations
- Hotel Walk Through/Eyes On the Ground
Travel & Transportation:
- Transportation Coordination
- Flights / Rental Cars
- Presenter Travel and Accommodations
Conference Coordination:
- Online Registration & Conference Payment
- On-site Registration Coordination
- Volunteer Management
- Name Tags
- CRC Credit
Technology Support:
- On-site IT Support
- QR Code Electronic Sign In
- Conference Website Maintenance
Printing Services:
- Certificates of Completion
- Conference Program Book
- Signage/Other Promotional Materials
Professional Services:
- Logo Creation
- Swag Bags
- Gifts/Awards
- Decor
- Photographer
- Entertainment/Music
- T-shirt Orders and Designs
UA CURRENTS ensures all events are accessible and inclusive for all participants