Sherrina Sewell
Sherrina has been employed with the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services for 19 years. For the past 7 years, she has served as the District Director for the Capitol District. Prior to that, she served as the Unit Supervisor in the Chesterfield field office and Transition Counselor in the Henrico field office. In addition, Sherrina is a former Vocational Counselor/Job Coach, a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Rehabilitation Counseling and a former Adjunct Professor of the department. Sherrina has served on many councils such as the VCU- ACE Advisory Board, VCU Mental Health and Rehabilitation Counseling Advisory Committee, and is currently a member of VA-APSE. In addition, she has served as guest faculty at the University of Arkansas for their VR Leads program and as a coach and mentor in several DARS leadership programs as well as a member of the DARS training team. Sherrina has presented at many local and national conferences where she has discussed best practices in working with transition students, best practices in collaborating with other agencies, and DARS services to name a few. She is the recipient of several awards including the State Rehabilitation Council’s Roy J Ward Employee Leadership Award. She loves music, good food and dogs.